21st Nov 2018

The value of couple therapy – Jo Harrison speaks to The Times

Saturday’s edition of the The Times (17 November, 2018) featured Family Law in Partnership’s in house counsellor, Jo Harrison, talking about the value of couple therapy.

Jo Harrison is an experienced relationship counsellor, family consultant and former family lawyer. She sees individuals and couples (whether separated or not) for consultations and also acts as a family consultant to support the collaborative law process.

In The Times article “Couples’ therapy: the Obamas do it and so do we” Ben and Marina Fogle say that couple therapy helps them to communicate better.

Family Law in Partnership counsellor and family consultant, Jo Harrison, who also works at Tavistock Relationships, says in the article that a therapist can help a couple stuck on one specific issue. There’s the benefit of a third party “who can hear them both and help them think about what it is that is underlying this problem between them”. Rather than seeing them as negative, Harrison thinks that having arguments show that a couple still care about each other. Jo Harrison goes on to say that one of the hardest steps is to admit you need to turn to an expert. “They think, ‘I don’t want to be that couple who need marriage counselling’ — they feel like they have failed in some way,” she says.

Jo Harrison has a depth and breadth of expertise in working with clients who are separating or divorcing and is sensitive to the impact of relationship breakdown and how it can affect individuals and families. As a relationship counsellor Jo fully appreciates the emotional upheaval and difficulties of a separation and as a former family lawyer she understands the particular pressures of going through the legal process. Contact Jo to find out more about how she can help you through divorce or separation. Contact Jo at E: hello@flip.co.uk or T: 020 7420 5000.